About Us:

So, let me guess. 

You are a health-curious comrade, isn’t it? 

But you have your nosy neighbor aunties, health freak friends, parents, and relatives to guide you on what to eat? 

You are bewildered to start your health journey with thousands of choices around you! Thanx to the free information available on social media and the internet, isn’t it?

You also feel guilty that you chose your favorite food over the so-called ‘Diet Food’, just because you wanted to enjoy the moment and ‘Fit-In’ rather. 

Lots of you are struggling to either get in shape, look good, fit into a dress, or maybe too busy to eat your lunch on time. 

On the other hand, Diabetes, Thyroid, Skin Diseases, Gut Health, and PCOD have been eating up our mental health! 

Hence, after working with you all for the past 6 years and helping 400+ of you achieve your health goals, I decided to do something about your basic struggles! 

Being an M.Sc in Food and Nutrition, I firmly believe that decoding the cryptic language of food labels is the easiest step to take to make informed choices. A lot of us go by the marketing gimmicks & fail to see what we are putting into our system. Apart from this, Food is the basic Fuel that your body requires, hence let us give it a better version, in the hope that you want the BEST for yourself and your loved ones.  

I wanted to guide you and help you make healthier choices to avoid financial drainage over Illness! After all – Isn’t Health your first Wealth in life? 

By the time, you are done reading all the articles in this blog, you will attain the following skills: 

  • Become SMART with food, just like your Smart Devices!
  • Learn ABCD of Food Safety & How you are tricked into buying Unhealthy Foods. 
  • Bust some MYTHS and NOTIONS about Nutrition 
  • Learn about the fact that you are NOT OVERWEIGHT, but rather UNDER-MUSCLED!

You will no longer be questioning yourself at night with a bag of chips and beer & rather enjoy your 7 hours of sleep! Trust me, this is the NEW COOL! 

Hi! I am Dt. Prapti Ruia Kapoor. You can call me PRK 😀

The first thing you need to know about me is: 

I am not a Doctor and Doctors are not Dietitians! Stop confusing yourself with mix and match of advice. I can give you guidance on food, nutrition & supplements, as a trained supplement strategist too. A request to you from me is not to self-prescribe supplements. After all, you will not take medicine before consulting your specialist, won’t you? Like many of you, I have also struggled with malnourishment, had multiple ice creams and chocolates before my menstrual cycles, felt back pain in my late 20s, and overthought the fact that I should not have had those extra fries while checking my weight! 

But here I am now, stronger, wiser, and an experienced dietitian giving answers to your questions. YOU & ME, we will reach there, all you need to do is trust YOUR journey and manifest it! 

I want to help you and here’s why: 

I know what it’s like to be confused and in chaos about what is right & what is wrong on your plate, especially if you are struggling with medical conditions and stubborn weight. 

I know that we can’t compromise on our social life.  

Most importantly, I know that your struggle is real! 

Hence, all you need to do is Follow us, Subscribe to Us, and let us make your journey easier!

By the way, it is FREE! 

See you on the page then!